she set aside her cold Chinese food and together they congregated around her
computer so she could explain the readouts.
“I have been able to isolate several saliva samples in
the victims’ bites to allocate them to specific members of the OO Negative and
the OO Positive species. I believe I
have even found the perpetrator of your latest crime.”
“You have?” his eyes bulged.
“But Griggori, I must warn you," her voice
dropped. "I do not think you will
be able to take this information to your Lieutenant.”
“But why?”
“Your OO Positive murderer in our latest OO Negative
killing spree, is the one and the same.
It’s the same OO Positive who killed his own kind as well as one of the
OO Negative victims found 236 years ago.
I will call this particular member of the OO Positives, Mr. X.”
“Very well," he gave a nod. “How can you link Mr. X
to the murders today and to the ones 236 years ago?”
“Mr. X’s DNA was found on one of the twelve OO Negative
species killed in 2145. His DNA was also
found on the younger male and female OO Positives ravaged necks. It would appear that Mr. X and these two OO
Positives were also of the same species.
From the blood found in the stomach of the older male OO Positive who
had been impaled, as well as the younger male whose neck had been ravaged, they
too killed two of the twelve OO Negative victims.”
“The same species of OO Positives attacked the twelve OO
Negatives together and then they turned on each other?” Griggori summed up.
“Can you postulate why?”
“Forensics can uncover a lot, but not everything,"
she said haughtily. "Motive is your
job, Detective!”
“My apologies Babushka, please continue.”
“Mr. X’s DNA turned up in several more crime scenes over
the years," she frowned. "He
does not appear to be selective in his victims, as he has fed on OO Positives,
OO Negatives, humans and animals."
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